Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Question Me An Answer

End of the Day questions for Network Marketers.
Copyright 2006 Karen Hurd Enterprises, Inc.

If everyone in my downline did what I did today, would I make money?

You know, success in your home business can be surprisingly simple.
Making money is not a mystery in network marketing. Read on.

I was surfing the ‘net back in the days when AOL was cutting edge, and came across this list of questions and it stopped me in my tracks. See, my little ADD brain is always on “scan”. I need it simple. There’s a whole bunch of questions, and this one is enough to change my business forever.

If everyone in my downline did what I did today, would I make money?

I started to fill in the blanks.
If everybody in my downline “surfed the net” today, would I make money?
If everybody in my downline “sorted their papers” today, would I make money?
If my downline had spent their time like I did “sharing ideas” on the phone with biz buddies, would I make any money?

It gave me personal accountability. It showed me exactly why my business wasn’t growing as fast as I wanted it to. Did my actions increase my income? I can offer lots of reason why I “needed” t o get activity “X” done. This little question cuts right through the excuses. If my downlines had acted in their business like I did that day, would I have made any money? Would they? And I saw, really saw, for the first time, how much my activity or my avoidance, filtered through to my organization.

Duplication comes through the leader. It does. I’ve seen good leaders make it in bad companies. It’s harder, but they can do it. How? Because they ask themselves this:

If everyone in my downline did what I did today, would I make money?

Now here’s the fun part. This can also let you off the hook. Wait, wait, wait.
We just spent a couple of minutes putting ourselves ON the hook – now we get off?

Here’s how: let’s say you spent all day doing prospecting calls, or
online networking or whatever. And you didn’t get the results you
were hoping for today. But you GOT OUT THERE.
Let’s ask that question again:

If everyone in my downline did what I did today, would I make money?

Now, let’s fill in the blanks, differently: “If everyone in my downline
made 50 prospecting calls, published their blog, or got their Ezine out,
would I make money?”


End of the Day Questions for Network Marketers

If everyone in my downline did what I did today, would I make money?

Did I start today with a map, game plan and goals?

Did I ask at least 5 new people today if they would like to earn money from home?

Did I remind myself of my purpose & mission today?

Was I alert to all opportunities to prosper today?

Did I search for good in every situation?

What are 10 reasons that I should be grateful today?

Did my words and actions allow others to see how much I value them?

Did I talk to at least 1 excited person in each leg?

Did I work on my personal development?

Spend time with my loved ones
Read /study for 30 minutes
Exercise for 30 minutes
Repeat my affirmations at least twice
Eat moderately and healthfully

What 10 successes can I list that I accomplished today?

How can I grow from what I learned today?

What can I do better tomorrow or in the future?

a>About the Author:
Karen Hurd has been making money from home for 18 years.
She built her business while the kids took their naps.
For personal mentoring contact Karen through:

1 comment:

Steve Gaghagen said...

Hey! Kewl. Looks good!

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